Prove some properties of ring homomorphism


Let $R,S$ be rings and $\varphi : R\to S$ be a ring homomorphism. Verify that

  1. $\varphi(na) = n\varphi(a)$ for all $n\in\mathbb Z$ and $a\in R$.
  2. $\varphi(a^n) = (\varphi(a))^n$ for all $n\in\mathbb Z^+$ and all $a\in R$.
  3. If $A$ is a subring of $R$, then $\varphi(A) = \{\varphi(a):a\in A\}$ is a subring of $S$.

For (1) I have the following:
\varphi(na) &= \varphi((n-1)a+a) \\
&= \varphi((n-1)a)+\varphi(a) \\
&= (n-1)\varphi(a)+\varphi(a)\\
&= n\varphi(a).

For (2): For $n=1$, we have $\varphi(a) = \varphi(a)$. Suppose for some $n\in\mathbb Z^+$ that $\varphi(a^n)=(\varphi(a))^n$. Observe:
\varphi(a^n) & =(\varphi(a))^n \\
\varphi(a)\cdot \varphi(a^n) & =\varphi(a)\cdot (\varphi(a))^n \\
\varphi(a \cdot a^n) & =(\varphi(a))^{n+1} \\
\varphi( a^{n+1}) & =(\varphi(a))^{n+1} \\

For (3): I verify for $a,b\in\varphi(A)$ then $a-b\in\varphi(A)$ and $a\cdot b\in \varphi(A)$ (for brevity).

  • Well, $0\in A \implies 0 \in \varphi(A) $
  • For $a,b \in \varphi(A)$ we have $\varphi(a) – \varphi(b) = \varphi(a-b)$, thus, verified, because $a-b\in A$.
  • For $a,b \in \varphi(A)$, we have $\varphi(a) \cdot \varphi(b) = \varphi (a\cdot b)$, thus, verified, because $a\cdot b \in A$.

Did I do these right? Feedback appreciated!

Best Answer

For the first property, use induction to show that $\phi(na) = n\phi(a)$ for all $a$ and $n\geq 0$. This is actually what you have done.

For negative $n$ one must be careful. For $n>0$ put $(-n)a = -(na)$, which is the additive inverse of $na$. This part is then true simply by definition.