[Math] Solving a system of equations in Maple


I have a set of equations which I would like to symbolically solve for a defined set of variables using the solve command in Maple. However, being not familiar with the program, it does not give me exactly what I would like. Maybe someone can give me a hing. Here's a simple example to illustrate my issue:

Given the system of equations
x+b &=2\cdot y + y – a\\
y-a &= b,
using the solve(...,{x,y}) command in Maple gives me the result
y &=a+b\\
x &= 2\cdot b + 2\cdot a.
What would be sufficient for me is to have one of the variables to be solved for as a function of the second one, i. e.
y &=a+b\\
x &= 2\cdot y.
How can I do this?

Best Answer

If you're looking for a solution where the value of $x$ doesn't involve $a$, you can solve for $a$ and $x$ in terms of $b$ and $y$:

solve(..., [a,x]);

$$[[a = y-b, x = 2 y]]$$

and then rewrite the first equation to give $y$ in terms of $a$ and $b$:


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