[Math] Properties of fibers of a morphism of varieties


In this question, all varieties are supposed to be over an algebraically closed field $k$.

Hypothesis: X is a smooth projective surface and $f:X\longrightarrow \mathbb P^1$ is a morphism with we following properties (maybe some conditions are redundant but for completeness I write the complete list):

  • $f$ is flat, proper and has a section.
  • There is an open dense subset $U \subseteq\mathbb P^1 $ such that the fiber $X_u$ is a smooth projective curve (i.e. integral, separated scheme of finite type) for every $u\in U$.
  • All fibers are irreducible (and hence connected).
  • The singular fibers can have only one node as singularities (multiple nodes are not allowed)


I'd like to show (if true) that all fibers are reduced. Pactically it remains to show that the singular fibers are reduced.

Best Answer

If $y \in \mathbb P^1$ is a (closed) point and $V$ is an affine n.h. of $y$, then we may find a function $a \in \mathcal O(V)$ which vanishes precisely at $y$. If we let $U = f^{-1}(V)$, then $U$ is an open set containing the fibre over $y$, and the fibre over $y$ is cut out by $f^* a \in \mathcal O(V)$. Thus this fibre is a local complete intersection, and in particular Cohen--Macaulay, and in particular $S_1$.

Now let $\sigma$ be the section of $f$. Since $f\circ \sigma = \text{id}_{\mathbb P^1}$, we see that $f$ induces a surjection from $T_{\sigma(y)}X$ to $T_{y}\mathbb P^1$, i.e. (in differential topology language) $f$ is a submersion at $\sigma(y)$, or in algebraic geometry language, $f$ is smooth in a n.h. of $\sigma(y)$. In particular, the fibre over $y$ is then smooth in a n.h. of $\sigma(y)$, and in particular, is reduced in a n.h. of $\sigma(y)$.

Thus this fibre, being irreducible (by assumption) is generically reduced.

A general theorem says that (for Noetherian rings, or equivalently, locally Noetherian schemes) being $R_0$ (i.e. reduced at all generic points) and $S_1$ is equivalent to being reduced. This applies here to let us conclude that the fibre over $y$ is reduced.

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