[Math] How to multiply decimal with wholenumber


How Can I multiply

x = (0.35)(80)

x = 28
steps by step fastest way

I am not going to lie, but it is time for me to take a test without using a calculator.
Schools have made me worse by giving us a calculator in exam.
now in GRE exam I can't use it.

Best Answer

$$9 \times 0.35 = 9 \times \frac{35}{100} = \frac{315}{100} = 3.15$$

This reduces it to just calculating $9 \times 35$.

IMHO if you are taking the GRE, it is better to convert the decimal to the form $\frac{x}{100}$ and reduce the problem to simple multiplication of the first term and the numerator. Then, dividing by $100$ is easy.

I took the GRE general test recently.


$$80 \times 0.35 = 80 \times \frac{35}{100} = 8 \times \frac{35}{10} = \frac{280}{10}$$

Once again, you can simplify the problem to multiplication by the first term and the numerator.

IMHO this is the simplest, least error-prone, and fastest way for GRE questions involving decimals.

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