[Math] Dirac delta solutions

dirac deltadistribution-theoryfourier transformfunctional-equations

I am going through some lecture notes on Fourier transforms (here) and it is stated without proof (example 2.16 on page 29) that the general solution to the equation
$$x f(x) = a$$
is given by
$$f(x) = a/x + b\, \delta(x)$$
and the general solution to
$$x^2 f(x) = a$$
is given by
$$f(x) = a/x^2 + b \delta(x)/x + c \delta(x) + d\delta'(x).$$
I don't really understand how $\delta$ appears here. Could anyone please give a hint/proof?

I know that $\delta$ is a distribution so I tried integrating out both sides of these equations w.r.t $x$, but I failed to show that they give similar results. Also, I think an expression like $\delta(x)/x$ is ambiguous except if integrated against another function that can possibly cancel out the denominator.

Best Answer

First, if $f_1$ and $f_2$ are solutions to $Tf=g,$ where $T$ is some linear operator and $g$ is given, then $f_1-f_2$ is a solution to $Tf=0.$ Therefore we will study $x f(x)=0.$ It can easily be shown in distribution theory that $x\delta(x)=0,$ $x^2\delta(x)=0,$ and $x^2\delta'(x)=0,$ but since you're studying Fourier transforms I will give an explanation using Fourier transforms:

Take the equation $x f(x) = 0$ and apply the Fourier transform to both sides. You get $i\hat{f}'(\xi) = 0.$ This is a differential equation with solutions $\hat{f}(\xi) = C,$ where $C$ is a constant. Taking the inverse Fourier transform gives us $f(x) = C\delta(x).$

Likewise, $x^2 f(x) = 0$ transforms to $-\hat{f}''(\xi)=0$ with solutions $\hat{f}(\xi) = A\xi+B,$ i.e. $f(x) = -iA\delta'(x)+B\delta(x).$