I have to find a function
where $f$ is, in hours, the duration of a daylight. I know in the summer solstice, this duration – which is the maximum – is 14 hours and in the winter solstice (which is the minimum), 9 hours.
The question requests to be $x=0$ the spring equinox and each season lasts 90 days. Therefore
$$f(90)=14,\qquad f(270)=9$$
Using this data, I could find the values of $a,b,c$ and $d$. However, the duration of a year should be 365 days.
Since for $x=90$, $f$ has its max value, then
and using the same idea
My question is, since the year has 365 days, how do I work with this arcs? I mean, should I use the following equations instead:
Best Answer
I don't understand the suggested division in your last two lines; I think a different model is called for. One adapted model is $$f(x)=a\sin\left(\frac{360}{365}bx+c\right)+d.$$