Eigenvalue of self-adjoint

adjoint-operatorseigenvalues-eigenvectorsinner-productslinear algebra

I am solving an exercise:

Let $T: V \rightarrow W$ be a linear transformation.
$V$ and $W$ are finite-dimensional inner product spaces. Prove $T^*T$ and $TT^*$ are semidefinite.

This is a solution that I don't understand:
$T^*T$ and $TT^*$ are self-adjoint, then we have $T^*T(x) = \lambda x$. Hence:
$$\lambda = ⟨T^*T(x),x⟩ = ⟨T(x),T(x)⟩ ≥ 0.$$
$\lambda$ is $≥ 0$, hence $T^*T$ is semidefinite.

I don't understand why the eigenvalue is equal to $⟨T^*T(x),x⟩$.
Thank you for any kind of help!

Best Answer

The proposed solution is not well written, but it appears that $\lambda$ is an arbitrary eigenvalue of $T^*T$ and $x$ is a normalized eigenvector associated with $\lambda$. In that case, $$\lambda = \lambda \langle x,x\rangle = \langle \lambda x,x\rangle = \langle T^*T(x),x\rangle$$ The point of the argument was to demonstrate that all eigenvalues of $T^*T$ are nonnegative.

I would, however, suggest a more direct approach. Note $T^*T$ is self-adjoint, and given $x\in V$, $\langle T^*Tx,x\rangle = \langle Tx,Tx\rangle \ge 0$. Hence, $T^*T$ is positive semidefinite. By a similar argument $TT^*$ is positive semidefinite.

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