I have some questions regarding $1 \times 1$ matrix as there was so much confusion on the $1 \times 1$ matrix. I just wanted to be sure.
They all are true/false questions basically.
Can a 1X1 Matrix be –
- Row Matrix?
- Column Matrix?
- Square Matrix?
- Diagonal Matrix?
- Scalar Matrix?
- Identity Matrix?
- Null Matrix?
- Upper Triangular Matrix?
- Lower Triangular Matrix?
- Symmetric Matrix?
- Skew Symmetric Matrix?
Best Answer
All $1 \times 1$ matrices are square, diagonal, scalar, upper triangular, lower triangular, and symmetric.
The only $1 \times 1$ matrix which is an identity matrix is $[1]$ .
The only $1 \times 1$ matrix which is either skew-symmetric or null is $[0]$.