Machine Learning – Proper Strategies to Rank Models Using Multiple Evaluation Metrics

machine learningranking

What I'm doing now is ranking each model within each metric and summing the ranks. Whichever model has the lowest sum I am considering the best.

Perhaps it would be clearer if I used an example
There are 5 models. Model A, Model B, and Model C, Model D, and Model E. There are 3 evaluation metrics. A rank of 1 is the best.
I rank the models by each eval metric

model eval metric #1 rank eval metric #2 rank eval metric #3 rank
Model A 4 3 4
Model B 5 2 2
Model C 1 1 5
Model D 3 4 1
Model E 2 5 3

The sum of each evaluation metrics rank is

model sum of rank
Model A 11
Model B 9
Model C 7
Model D 8
Model E 10

In this example Model C has the lowest sum and would be considered the best model.

Does this process have a name? I'm having trouble searching google for a better solution.

Best Answer

U could try to use Critical difference diagram to compare ML classifiers. Here is the details:

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