I want to use deep learning to train a face/non-face binary detection, what loss should I use, I think it is SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss or Hinge-loss.
Is that right, but I also wonder should I use softmax but with only two classes?
computer visionconv-neural-networkdeep learningloss-functions
I want to use deep learning to train a face/non-face binary detection, what loss should I use, I think it is SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss or Hinge-loss.
Is that right, but I also wonder should I use softmax but with only two classes?
Best Answer
Hinge loss and cross entropy are generally found having similar results. Here's another post comparing different loss functions What are the impacts of choosing different loss functions in classification to approximate 0-1 loss.
Softmax is not a loss but a normalization function, it is often used together with the cross entropy loss, which is essentially equivalent to
. See also Cross-Entropy or Log Likelihood in Output layer