In what circumstances would you want to, or not want to scale or standardize a variable prior to model fitting? And what are the advantages / disadvantages of scaling a variable?
Modeling – When to Adjust Variables Before Creating a Model
feature selectionmathematical-statisticsmodelingpredictive-modelsstandardization
Best Answer
Standardization is all about the weights of different variables for the model. If you do the standardisation "only" for the sake of numerical stability, there may be transformations that yield very similar numerical properties but different physical meaning that could be much more appropriate for the interpretation. The same is true for centering, which is usually part of the standardization.
Situations where you probably want to standardize:
Situations where you may not want to standardize:
You may do something "in between", and transform the variables or choose the unit so that the new variables still have physical meaning but the variation in the numerical value is not that different, e.g.
Similar for centering: