GLM Models – How to Interpret Residual Diagnostic Plots

diagnosticgeneralized linear modelresiduals

I am looking for guidelines on how to interpret residual plots of glm models. Especially poisson, negative binomial, binomial models. What can we expect from these plots when the models are "correct"? (for example, we expect the variance to grow as the predicted value increases, for when dealing with a Poisson model)

I know the answers depend on the models. Any references (or general points to consider) will be helpful/appreciated.

Best Answer

I think this is one of the most challenging parts when doing regression analysis. I also struggle with most of the interpretations (in particular binomial diagnostics are crazy!).

I just stumbled on this post who also linked

what helps me the most is to plot the residuals versus every predictive parameter included AND not included into the model. This means also the ones who were dropped beforehand for to multicolinearity reasons. For this boxplots, conditional scatterplots and normal scatterplots are great. this helps to spot possible errors

In "Forest Analytics with R" (UseR Series) are some good explanations how to interpret residuals for mixed effects models (and glms as well). Good read!

Someday ago I thought about a website that could collect residual patterns which users can vote to be "ok" and to be "not ok". but I never found that website ;)