Solved – How to stop excel from changing a range when you drag a formula down?


I'm trying to normalize a set of columns of data in an excel spreadsheet.

I need to get the values so that the highest value in a column is = 1 and lowest is = to 0, so I've come up with the formula:


This seems to work fine, but when I drag down the formula to populate the cells below it, now only does A1 increase, but A1:A30 does too.

Is there a way to lock the range while updating just the number I'm interested in?

I've tried putting the Max and min in a different cell and referencing that but it just references the cell under the one that the Max and min are in and I get divide by zero errors because there is nothing there.

Best Answer

A '$' will lock down the reference to an absolute one versus a relative one. You can lock down the column, row or both. Here is a locked down absolute reference for your example.
