Data Visualization – How to Plot Trends Properly

data visualization

I am creating a graph to show trends in death rates (per 1000 ppl.) in different countries and the story that should come from the plot is that Germany (light blue line) is the only one whose trend is increasing after 1932.
This is my first (basic) try

enter image description here

In my opinion, this graph is already showing what we want it to tell but it is not super intuitive. Do you have any suggestion to make it clearer that distinction among trends? I was thinking of plotting growth rates but I tried and it is not that better.

The data are the following

year     de     fr      be       nl     den      ch     aut     cz       pl
1927    10.9    16.5    13      10.2    11.6    12.4    15      16      17.3
1928    11.2    16.4    12.8    9.6     11      12      14.5    15.1    16.4
1929    11.4    17.9    14.4    10.7    11.2    12.5    14.6    15.5    16.7
1930    10.4    15.6    12.8    9.1     10.8    11.6    13.5    14.2    15.6
1931    10.4    16.2    12.7    9.6     11.4    12.1    14      14.4    15.5
1932    10.2    15.8    12.7    9       11      12.2    13.9    14.1    15
1933    10.8    15.8    12.7    8.8     10.6    11.4    13.2    13.7    14.2
1934    10.6    15.1    11.7    8.4     10.4    11.3    12.7    13.2    14.4
1935    11.4    15.7    12.3    8.7     11.1    12.1    13.7    13.5    14
1936    11.7    15.3    12.2    8.7     11      11.4    13.2    13.3    14.2
1937    11.5    15      12.5    8.8     10.8    11.3    13.3    13.3    14

Best Answer

Sometimes less is more. With less detail about the year-to-year variations and the country distinctions you can provide more information about the trends. Since the other countries are moving mostly together you can get by without separate colors.

In using a smoother you're requiring the reader to trust that you haven't smoothed over any interesting variation.

enter image description here

Update after getting a couple requests for code:

I made this in JMP's interactive Graph Builder. The JMP script is:

Graph Builder(
Size( 528, 456 ), Show Control Panel( 0 ), Show Legend( 0 ),
// variable role assignments:
Variables( X( :year ), Y( :Deaths ), Overlay( :Country ) ),
// spline smoother:
Elements( Smoother( X, Y, Legend( 3 ) ) ),
// customizations:
    // x scale, leaving room for annotations
    Dispatch( {},"year",ScaleBox,
        {Min( 1926.5 ), Max( 1937.9 ), Inc( 2 ), Minor Ticks( 1 )}
    // customize colors and DE line width
    Dispatch( {}, "400", ScaleBox, {Legend Model( 3,
        Properties( 0, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "aut", 1 ) ),
        Properties( 1, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "be", 1 ) ),
        Properties( 2, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "ch", 1 ) ),
        Properties( 3, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "cz", 1 ) ),
        Properties( 4, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "den", 1 ) ),
        Properties( 5, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "fr", 1 ) ),
        Properties( 6, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "nl", 1 ) ),
        Properties( 7, {Line Color( "gray" )}, Item ID( "pl", 1 ) ),
        Properties( 8, {Line Color("dark red"), Line Width( 3 )}, Item ID( "de", 1 ))
    // add line annotations (omitted)
