Solved – How to plot ROC curves in multiclass classification


In other words, instead of having a two class problem I am dealing with 4 classes and still would like to assess performance using AUC.

Best Answer

It seems you are looking for multi-class ROC analysis, which is a kind of multi-objective optimization covered in a tutorial at ICML'04. As in several multi-class problem, the idea is generally to carry out pairwise comparison (one class vs. all other classes, one class vs. another class, see (1) or the Elements of Statistical Learning), and there is a recent paper by Landgrebe and Duin on that topic, Approximating the multiclass ROC by pairwise analysis, Pattern Recognition Letters 2007 28: 1747-1758. Now, for visualization purpose, I've seen some papers some time ago, most of them turning around volume under the ROC surface (VUS) or Cobweb diagram.

I don't know, however, if there exists an R implementation of these methods, although I think the stars() function might be used for cobweb plot. I just ran across a Matlab toolbox that seems to offer multi-class ROC analysis, PRSD Studio.

Other papers that may also be useful as a first start for visualization/computation:

1. Allwein, E.L., Schapire, R.E. and Singer, Y. (2000). Reducing multiclass to binary: A unifying approach for margin classifiers. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 1:113–141.