Post-Hoc Test on lmer Model – How to Perform and Interpret


This is my data frame:

Group   <- c("G1","G1","G1","G1","G1","G1","G1","G1","G1","G1","G1","G1","G1","G1","G1","G2","G2","G2","G2","G2","G2","G2","G2","G2","G2","G2","G2","G2","G2","G2","G3","G3","G3","G3","G3","G3","G3","G3","G3","G3","G3","G3","G3","G3","G3")
Subject <- c("S1","S2","S3","S4","S5","S6","S7","S8","S9","S10","S11","S12","S13","S14","S15","S1","S2","S3","S4","S5","S6","S7","S8","S9","S10","S11","S12","S13","S14","S15","S1","S2","S3","S4","S5","S6","S7","S8","S9","S10","S11","S12","S13","S14","S15")
Value   <- c(9.832217741,13.62390117,13.19671612,14.68552076,9.26683366,11.67886655,14.65083473,12.20969772,11.58494621,13.58474896,12.49053635,10.28208078,12.21945867,12.58276212,15.42648969,9.466436017,11.46582655,10.78725485,10.66159358,10.86701127,12.97863424,12.85276916,8.672953949,10.44587257,13.62135205,13.64038394,12.45778874,8.655142642,10.65925259,13.18336949,11.96595556,13.5552118,11.8337142,14.01763101,11.37502161,14.14801305,13.21640866,9.141392359,11.65848845,14.20350364,14.1829714,11.26202565,11.98431285,13.77216009,11.57303893)

data <- data.frame(Group, Subject, Value)

Then I run a linear-mixed effects model to compare the 3 Groups' difference on "Value", where "Subject" is the random factor:

model <- lmer (Value~Group + (1|Subject), data = data)

The results are:

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error       df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 12.48771    0.42892 31.54000  29.114   <2e-16 ***
GroupG2     -1.12666    0.46702 28.00000  -2.412   0.0226 *  
GroupG3      0.03828    0.46702 28.00000   0.082   0.9353    

However, how to compare Group2 with Group3? What is the convention in academic article?

Best Answer

You could use emmeans::emmeans() or lmerTest::difflsmeans(), or multcomp::glht().

I prefer emmeans (previously lsmeans).

emmeans(model, list(pairwise ~ Group), adjust = "tukey")

The next option is difflsmeans. Note difflsmeans cannot correct for multiple comparisons, and uses the Satterthwaite method for calculating degrees of freedom as default instead of the Kenward-Roger method used by default by emmeans, so it might be best to explicitly specify the method you prefer.

difflsmeans(model, test.effs = "Group", ddf="Kenward-Roger")

The multcomp::glht() method is described in the other answer to this question, by Hack-R.

Also, you can get the ANOVA p-values by loading lmerTest and then using anova.


Just to be clear, you intended for the Value to be assessed three times for each subject, right? It looks like Group is "within-subjects", not "between-subjects."