Solved – How many random effects to specify in lmer

lme4-nlmemixed modelrrepeated measures

I ran a computer-based experiment in which there were two within-subject factors, A and B. So all participants got multiple trials in each A*B cell. There was also one between subject factor, C.

I'm trying to predict response time, so initially I did:

> lmer(rt ~ A*B*C + (1|subj)

but was told I should specify random effect interactions as well, e.g.:

> lmer(rt ~ A*B*C + (1|subj) + (1|A:subj) + (1|B:subj)

In that case, shouldn't I also specify the three-way interaction? e.g.:

> lmer(rt ~ A*B*C + (1|subj) + (1|A:subj) + (1|A:B:subj)

I understand the first model, but I'm not quite clear on the other two–though they all provide different results. Can someone clarify what these models do and which one is most appropriate?

Best Answer

When you are specifying random effects in an lme4::lmer model, the random factors go on the left of the pipe and the non-independence grouping variables go on the right, so the fully specified model in your question would very likely be:

lmer(rt ~ A*B*C + (A*B|subj))

I took some time to explore the difference between a random effect on the left of the pipe to a random effect on the right side of the pipe but it made a better post on it's own than as an answer to your particular question.

RPubs doc

Gist code

The most noticeable difference between the following two models...

lmer(rt ~ A + (1|subj/A))
lmer(rt ~ A + (A|subj)) that the latter estimates a random correlation parameter between random intercepts and random slopes. If you remove that random correlation parameter...

lmer(rt ~ A + (1|subj/A))
lmer(rt ~ A + (1|subj) + (0+A|subj))

...the two models return the exact same fixed effects (parameter estimates and associated errors), though I would guess that similarity depends on the particular design of the study.