Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test – How to Interpret and Describe Results

inferencemathematical-statisticsp-valuestatistical significancewilcoxon-signed-rank

I'm trying to learn about rank tests, and having doubts abouut how I should a result from a Wilcoxon Signed Rank test. Suppose, we are given:
Z = -2.201, r = – 0.845, P < 0.05,
then how should I interprete these three numbers and describe them in words?

Best Answer

BBR Section 7.2 and especially 7.2.1 cover this. It shows how to scale the signed rank statistic to [0,1] representing the probability that a randomly chosen pair of observations sum to a positive number.

Don't state P < 0.05. Give the P-value, and a proper conclusion is not reject/accept $H_0$ but rather, when P is small, that there is evidence against the supposition of no difference.

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