Linear Regression – Managing Differences in Units


Let's assume we have the following simple linear regression equation:

y = 10 - 4.2x

Let's further assume that our response variable y is expressed in units of 100 kilograms. Let's also assume that our independent variable x is expressed in currency.

Is it correct to say that for every 1-unit change in currency x, that our y response variable will decrease by 420 kilograms?

Best Answer

You are almost correct to interpret the regression coefficients this way. Instead of saying "for every 1-unit change" there is a decrease, it should be: "For every 1-unit increase in currency" there is a decrease. Specifying the direction of the relationship is important for readers.

A more pedantically correct way to interpret these coefficient relationships would be:

"For every one unit increase in currency, the expected y decreases by 420 kgs. For every one unit decrease in currency, the expected y increases by 420 kgs."